Welcome, Students
This is just a place where I'll be linking my in-person course pages as I develop them. If you're enrolled in my WRI 227 or WRI 350 this term, you can link to those pages via the link list in the box on the left side of this page. If you're someone else who accidentally found themselves here, then hi, and there's probably nothing here for you.
I have created these course pages to give us all a little break from the university's Canvas learning mangagement system, its visual homogeneity, and its relentless notifications. Please note, however, that to submit formal assignments for these classes, you'll need to log in to Canvas and access those assignment portals in our course shells there.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at jessamyn.birrer@oit.edu.
*Please do not email me just to tell me how dorky this website is. I haven't built a website since 1995, and I'm having to reteach myself html and learn css from scratch. It's almost impossible to do this and teach four writing-intensive courses at the same time. Thanks for your patience. ;')